365 days ago I packed all my belongings and moved to New York City. I do not have much. I mean it terms of objects. Everything I own fits in a room. For New York standards, a slightly large room. Still a single room.
I cannot say that about my community. I was leaving behind a huge close knit community - very dear friends, supportive film community, always available mentors, die hard running friends and hundreds of other people one takes for granted after living in a city for a decade. And for a freelancer in the gig economy the community is also the bread and butter.
With a lot of hope and some caution, I moved. I did not have a specific plan. I had one rule. Everything I did should be in the service of storytelling. Like long distance running, it should be meditative, therapeutic, sustaining and result in a runner's high or we could call it a creator's high.
New York and its people are stimulating, challenging, demanding and supportive. The year sowed a lot of seeds that are sprouting and rooting now. The next 365 days is all about branching and bearing fruit.